Introductory Short Course


Understand yourself and your Relationships
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• Discover & enhance different facets of yourself & your interactions.
• Harness your strengths, emotions, and values to lead a fulfilling life.
• Identify and overcome obstacles to meaningful connections.
• Gain practical tools to manage yourself and build stronger relationships.
• Cultivate empowerment and confidence in every aspect of your life.
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You can’t afford not to know yourself.

Imagine traveling to a destination, wearing a blindfold, at night. This is how life feels without self-awareness. Not knowing yourself can be a nightmare.

Without self-awareness and emotional intelligence you:

• Lack direction and purpose in life.
• Feel trapped in repetitive, unproductive patterns.
• Get lost in your surroundings and relationships.
• Tend to blame others or circumstances for your challenges.
• Face negative impacts on your mental and physical health.
• Live in a disempowered mindset.
• Struggle with low self-esteem and self-worth.

 It's not money, a job, a house, or a degree that will make you   truly happy and aligned—it's knowing yourself and fostering   great relationships.

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Develop a Strong Inner Compass

Now, imagine having a map and compass in a dense, foggy forest. Imagine the relief, the clarity and the sense of control you would gain. The happiest, most successful people are self-aware.

• Empowers you in every area of your life.
• Boosts your confidence to make meaningful changes
• Helps you understand what shapes your identity
• Connects you to your purpose and what gives your life meaning
• Encourages you to ask the right questions to improve your life, relationships, finances, health, & well-being
• Enhances your ability to be present and enjoy life more.

Create a growth mindset around yourself and your relationships to spark positive change and feel amazing about who you are. Let's do this!

This was so practical and insightful! The short but super insightful videos made it so easy to understand the concepts. The exercises were perfect to challenge me and make me go deeper. I learned a lot about myself in just 10 days. Highly recommended! 
— Dave

It made me really think about me deeply and exploring new things that were surprising. Thank you so much.
— Nagi

One of the best courses I have ever done. Content completely thought out, compact and "to the point". Short video parts are also a great solution. Every single minute was used to the maximum ;) Thanks for focusing on the practical part, not just the theory!

— Iza

Knowing yourself changes your entire life.

Align your life & stay on track in this crazy world

This world is wild. We provide a structure, commitment & accountability to keep you on your best, most aligned path.

Powerful self-reflective prompts  to dive deep

Journaling is a superpower that changes your life and require practice. Become more self-aware by forming a habit of journaling

Digestible Micro Learning 

The succinct, short clases and the exercises make it easy and fun to make progress. Just 15 minutes a day will get you very far!

Actionable & Practical

We encourage you & challenge you to apply learnings in your own life and personal relationships by taking action!
Write your awesome label here.
Don't hesitate

Self-awareness is an attainable skill you learn and practice. It's like turning the light on in a dark room. 

Begin your journey back to yourself now

The best project you can invest in is YOU.

Your Teacher & Guide

Samantha Sacchi, Founder, Coach, Facilitator

Samantha is a life and business strategist, coach and educator specialized in emotional intelligence, spiritual alignment and self-leadership. 

As a deeply sensitive soul who grew up between continents, Samantha’s endless inner & outer search has taught her to truly belong to herself. She reminds human beings of their power and Love by guiding them home to themselves, to know themselves and be themselves deeply.  

What our learners say

To every person on Earth: Please start to know yourself and who you are. It will change your life (and the world). This course will help you do that!


This was literally the perfect place to start. Changed my view on many things. So empowering! Thank you!



Frequently asked questions

How much time will this take?

This is a self-paced short course. The videos lessons are less than 5 minutes each and then we suggest you take at least 10 minutes after each class. In total, if you dedicate 15-20 minutes per day to this course, you can finish it in 10 days. 

What will I learn in this course?

In "Journey of You," you will explore the fundamentals of self-awareness and relationship building. The course covers topics such as identifying your strengths, understanding your values, managing emotions, and developing empathy and communication skills. By the end, you'll have practical tools and insights to enhance your personal growth and connections with others.

Do I need any prior experience or knowledge to take this course?

No prior experience or knowledge is required. "Journey of You" is designed for anyone interested in personal development, whether you're just starting your journey or looking to deepen your existing understanding. The course provides foundational knowledge and practical exercises suitable for all levels.

How can I apply what I learn in this course to my daily life?

This course emphasizes practical application through self-reflection exercises, real-life scenarios, and actionable steps. You will learn how to incorporate self-reflection, emotional intelligence, and effective communication into your daily routines, helping you navigate personal and professional relationships with greater clarity and confidence.

The Self Academy has got your back

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We picture you alive, on purpose, kicking ass, loving life, aligned, healthy, free, and connected.

We change the world, one Self at a time. The Self Academy is dedicated to fostering self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and personal growth. Our unique programs and resources guide you to connect with your authentic self, build strong relationships, and make a positive impact in the world.

Join our community and continue your journey toward a more conscious and empowered you.
Dive into the beautiful, powerful world within you

It's time you get to know yourself better.

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